Our refund policy at Followersnet.com, and en.Followersnet.com.
Followersnet.com, as well as en.Followersnet.com, offers you products irrevocably. We don’t provide restitutions or compensations when an order has been completely and fully processed and dealt with. As a customer it’s your responsibility to understand this before you decide to place an order at our web site(s).
In extraordinary cases, Followersnet.com, as well as en.Followersnet.com, will grant a restitution, if possible in the form of money. The particular cases where we’re able to grant a restitution is completely dependent on the situation and the exact problem you’ve experienced with our product. Followersnet promises to respond to any request for a restitution within 12 working days.
Reasons for us to grant a restitution:
1. When a product hasn’t been delivered, within 7 days a declaration of failed delivery has to be filled out. When it turns out a product of ours really hasn’t been delivered, and we have been informed about that on time, then Followersnet.com, as well as en.Followersnet.com, will grant a full restitution. When no declaration of failed delivery has been filled out or we haven’t received one, then Followersnet.com, as well as en.Followersnet.com, will assume the product has been completely and successfully delivered.
2. Whenever products, as well as services, in fact don’t turn out as promised on the web site, then we need to receive a declaration describing the problem within 7 days. This is the case for Followersnet.com as well as en.Followersnet.com. In this declaration you need to state clearly what exactly didn’t turn out as expected and where this incorrect representation can be found on our web site. Experiences of wrong expectations from customers, other than the ones indicated on the web site, are not accepted as reasons for a request for restitution.
3. When our products, as well as services, show an illegitimate decrease or downfall, then Followersnet.com and en.Followersnet.com will make to sure to amplify the difference free of cost as long as it’s within our refill period.
4. Whenever you decide to use products or services from external companies, you need to know that you’re doing this at your own risk. Followersnet.com and en.Followersnet.com can’t be held reliable for any kind of events that will occur because of that. Besides, Followersnet.com and en.Followersnet.com will not provide a refund at any cost.
Our helpdesk is always available to answer any of your potential questions.